The Mirror

Jonathan Chait Does Not Want A Republican Marrying His Daughter

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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New York mag’s Jonathan Chait has all but sealed his daughter’s fate to marry a major right winger.

Let’s only hope he walks around with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly‘s books in his bag and quotes Rush Limbaugh on the fly.

Chait opened the floodgates of criticism Thursday morning with the following pronouncement: “Confessions of a ‘partyist’: I’m not totally comfortable with my kids marrying a Republican and I think that’s okay.”

Oh, he’s no idiot. He’ll take a Republican son-in-law over say, a Democratic Charles Manson or a lefty Craigslist Killer.

“I would certainly prefer a kind, well-adjusted Republican over an angry, emotionally unstable Democrat,” he wrote. “Still, all things being equal, I’d rather not greet my child’s future spouse with a copy of Bill O’Reilly’s latest tucked under his or her arm. Does that make me a bigot?”

Let’s not answer that yet. He went on, “I know Republicans, and some of them are lovely human beings. That doesn’t mean I want one of them to move in next door and marry my daughter.”

And they don’t have horns? Does he have lovely black friends too?

Chait was obviously looking for a big reaction.

David Frum, a conservative editor for The Atlantic, took a swing at him, saying, “Just wait till you discover that it’s possible for your actual children to disagree with your politics!”

Chait swung back, “@davidfrum You may be informed by the particular experience of having a combination of political views that nobody agrees with.”

Washington Examiner‘s Timothy Carney jumped in, saying, “The Carney boys grew up with liberal parents.”


  • “‘Guess Who’s Coming For Dinner, 2014′”
  • “You’re bigoted against smart people? Odd.”

Chait cites 2010 stats indicating that more Republicans than Democrats would be “displeased” if their offspring married someone from the opposing party.

Democrat or not, it might be “displeasing” to marry Chait’s children. Sources tell me he has been known to have poor manners, a questionable scent and for eating like an animal — all of which can be passed on to offspring over breakfast.

It’s all the rage for reporters to admit their political leanings, their depression, their Asperger’s and whatever other personal belching they feel they must do these days. And undoubtedly they feel better after.

He wrote, “Those people live in a different moral universe than I do. They’re not necessarily bad people. …But, yes, I believe their political views reflect something unflattering about their character.”

Those people? Okay, they’re not “bad” people. They’re just “unflattering.”

Congratulations on your daughter’s impending marriage to a Republican.

You never know — a fat, drug-addicted Limbaugh as a son-in-law might grow on you.