The Mirror

Morning Mirror

Betsy Rothstein Gossip blogger
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Quote of the Day:

“Imma be sleepy after WHCD stuff, but I’ll lace up.”

WaPo race activist Wesley Lowery on whether he’ll play basketball this Sunday in Columbia Heights. 


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Jack Shafer likes gay people (or something) 

“Hot @realDonaldTrump on @JonahNRO action right now.” — Politico media columnist Jack Shafer. Context: Trump and Jonah Goldberg were at each other’s throats this week over negative comments initially made by Goldberg on FNC, followed by Trump, who called Jonah a “dope” and “pathetic” at his job.

Spotted: ex-blogger Andrew Sullivan in Meridian Hill Park on Sunday with his beagles and his husband, Aaron Tone. Another dog approached one of his, sniffing the usual anal hot spots. Sullivan made zero eye contact with the dog owner and clearly did not want any mutual sniffing going on. He quickly pulled his dog away and moved on.

Speaking of bitchy…

“If your campaign ends up being about getting ink from the Halperins and Fourniers of the world, you’re gonna be fucked.” — Media MattersOlivier Willis.

Media Matters researcher hates her neighbors 

“My neighbors have been singing and banging on things on their porch for over an hour. They are grown adults. I am going to call their mums.” — Libby Watson.

Reporter talks about her period cramps 

“Kelly was just rubbing my stomach because I have cramps, and he started making up a song about my period. It goes like this:” — BuzzFeed‘s Ashley Ford.

Don Lemon and sorbet: The aftermath 

“Should @CNN give Don Lemon a show where he tries to pronounce simple words like sorbet. How is it possible to mispronounce sorbet?” — Evil Jeff Zucker parody account.

Question to never ponder…

“If i get caught lifting whole sections of somebody else’s columns, how much do I get?” — John Brummett, columnist, ArkansasOnline.

Washington journalists warm to one another 

Mark Halperin is the Managing Editor of Bloomberg Politics; Mark Leibovich is chief national correspondent, NYT Magazine; John Podhoretz is editor of Commentary Mag; Chuck Lane is an editorial writer and a big believer in hiding the story of mice in WaPo’s cafeteria; and Ron Fournier is a serial tweeter for National Journal. 

Mark Halperin: WSJNY says “Clinton Warms to de Blasio Agenda” but Team @deBlasioNYC says it ain’t enough. Over 2 U, @jpodhoretz.

Mark Leibovich: “Personally I will never warm to using ‘warm’ as a verb…”

John Podhoretz: “How about ‘spark to’?”

Ron Fournier: “I’m having trouble with de Blasio as an adjective.”

John Podhoretz: “You think he’s bad as an adjective, you should try him as a noun.”

Charles Lane: “Verb’s the worst, though, right?”

Ron Fournier: “I’m warming to it.”

WaPo reporter lost voice, can’t do radio show

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Journo comes home to shredded chair 


“Somebody’s in trouble.” — WTOP’s Neal Augenstein.

When asked who caused this, Augenstein sent The Mirror a picture of the prime suspect.