
Clinton Campaign Complains About Sanders ‘Attack Ad’ In Iowa [VIDEO]

Steve Guest Media Reporter
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Hillary Clinton campaign senior strategist Joel Benenson claims that Bernie Sanders is now running “personal attack” ads against Clinton in Iowa.

Appearing on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” on Friday, Benenson said that Sanders campaign (who denies it is an attack ad) is “trying to be deft but they’re putting the same attack on the air that Senator Sanders has been delivering on the stump.” (RELATED: Bernie Sanders Hits Hillary On Goldman Sachs Speaking Fees [VIDEO])

The ad claims, “One of the Wall Street banks that triggered the meltdown, Goldman Sachs, just settled with authorities for their part in the crisis that put 7 million out of work and millions out of their homes. How does Wall Street get away with it? Millions in campaign contributions and speaking fees. Our economy works for Wall Street because it’s rigged by Wall Street.” The ad does not reference any candidate, in either party by name. (RELATED: Hillary Says She Has No Regrets About Taking Millions In Wall Street Speaking Fees [VIDEO])

At the beginning of the 2016 campaign cycle, Sanders pledged not to run negative ads, keeping with his claim that he has never run a negative ad in his political career. (RELATED: No More Mr. Nice Socialist: Sanders Mulls Running Negative Hillary Ads)

Mitchell asked Benenson what his impressions of the ad were and his said, “Well, I think every independent person who has been watching that, including journalists and editorial writers they know it’s a negative ad, they’ve been calling it a negative ad, they’ve been calling it an attack ad.”  (RELATED: Washington Post Editorial Blasts Sanders’ ‘Fiction-Filled Campaign’)

Aruging that Sanders’s “campaign is trying to be deft but they’re putting the same attack on the air that Senator Sanders has been delivering on the stump and it is, he’s used personal attacks directly on Secretary Clinton. His ad’s doing it through innuendo but I think everybody watching and paying attention to this, which we know caucus goers in Iowa are doing, know exactly how negative this ad is.” (RELATED: Hillary Laughs Off Releasing Speeches Delivered To Goldman Sachs [VIDEO])

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