
Trump Takes Wisconsin In Stunning Blow To Clinton

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Juliegrace Brufke Capitol Hill Reporter
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In a shocking upset, Republican Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the state of Wisconsin Tuesday, acquiring another key state in his bid for the presidency.

The Associated Press reports Trump took in 49 percent of the vote to Clinton’s 46 percent with 72 percent of precincts reporting.

Despite losing the primary to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the state, and trailing Clinton by a whopping 16 points in August, the billionaire managed to close the gap throughout the course of the election.

Wisconsin has traditionally been a Democratic stronghold, with Republicans last winning the state in 1984. President Barack Obama beat 2012 GOP nominee former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney by 7 points in the Badger State.
Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes were a come as a crushing blow to Clinton. Trump campaigned heavily in the state, with attempting to appeal to voters by attacking Clinton on Obamacare and promising to help bring manufacturing back to the area.

Clinton was up by an average of 6.5 points just ahead of the election according to Real Clear Politics.

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