DC Trawler

Will Charles Manson Be The First ‘Celebrity’ Death Of 2017?

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Good news for everybody who hated 2016 as if it were a sentient entity actively causing all your problems: Charles Manson may very well be the first “celebrity” death of 2017. Things are looking up already!

Richard Winton and Hailey Branson-Potts, LA Times:

Mass murderer Charles Manson has been taken from a Central Valley prison to a hospital for an undisclosed medical issue, two sources familiar with the situation said…

Manson and other members of his so-called family were convicted of killing actress Sharon Tate and six other people during a bloody rampage in the Los Angeles area during two August nights in 1969. Prosecutors said that Manson and his followers were trying to incite a race war that he believed was in the Beatles’ song “Helter Skelter.”

Tate, the wife of director Roman Polanski, was 8½ months pregnant when she was killed at her hilltop home in Benedict Canyon on Aug. 9, 1969.

I’m no fan of Polanski, at least when he steps away from the camera and diddles little girls. But maybe Manson’s death will bring him some peace.

I hope Manson hurries up and dies already, because the taxpayers should’ve just footed the bill for a bullet 45 years ago. But if he hangs on until Inauguration Day, it’ll be a perfect capper to the Obama era. Remember when Barry’s mentor and benefactor Bernardine Dohrn (wife of Bill Ayers) said this?

“Offing those rich pigs with their own forks and knives, and then eating a meal in the same room, far out! The Weathermen dig Charles Manson!”

Now Dohrn is nestled safely in the lap of academia, and her protégé just spent 8 years in the White House. But Obama has ruined everything he’s touched, he’s being forced to hand the reins to his worst nightmare, and the Democratic Party is in complete disarray. Manson’s death would be the icing on the cake. Here’s hoping it’s soon.

Sing it, Paul!