Eighty percent of kids in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma between the ages of 6 and 12 can’t tell time on a standard, round, analog clock.
The number is slightly harder than the national average of 75 percent.
The shocking data comes from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Oklahoma County, reports local NBC affiliate KFOR-TV.
“I was super surprised,” Caitlin Carnes, a Boys & Girls Club staffer at Santa Fe South Elementary School in Oklahoma City, told KFOR. “When I was growing up that was something that we learned. I don’t know if that makes me old or not.”
Kids in the time-troubled age range of 6 to 12 say telling time is hard.
“It’s kind of on the side,” one girl matter-of-factly explained to a KFOR reporter concerning that big hand and that other little hand.
“And you say it’s 1:00, when it’s kinda still 12:00. That confuses me,” she said.
There’s no compelling reason to learn how to tell time the old-school way in this day and age because so many clocks — on so many devices — are now digital.
“Everyone’s so used to seeing digital,” Carnes, the Boys & Girls Club staffer, told KFOR. “They all have cell phones and tablets so they don’t have to look at a clock very often that’s analog.”
The 80-percent figure in Oklahoma City is based on a time-telling test and survey of 150 students.
Only 31 of those 150 kids passed the test. Just under half of the passing earning students earned perfect scores, likely proving that telling time is a pretty easy skill to master.
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