Guns and Gear

Gun Control Protests Expected At NRA Annual Meeting


Kerry Picket Political Reporter
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Gun control activists announced Tuesday they will protest the National Rifle Association annual convention in Atlanta this month.

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Everytown for Gun Safety, described their protest plans for the weekend of April 28 and slammed President Donald Trump, who is expected to deliver remarks at the event, for his pro-gun policies, in a press release.

“Degrading our nation’s laws is a dream for NRA lobbyists and a nightmare for public safety,” Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, said in the statement.

“That’s why our volunteers will be in Atlanta during the NRA’s annual meeting, just as we have been showing up at town halls and in statehouses across the country to stand up for the safety of our families and communities. We will not be silenced. We’ve always known this is a marathon, not a sprint—but it’s a race we will win,” she added.

Watts and supporters of former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s organization Everytown protested the NRA in the past at their meeting in Indianapolis in 2014 and in Nashville in 2015. Gun control activists chose to host a private event in Louisville last year during the NRA meeting and held a special screening of Katie Couric’s “Under the Gun.”

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