Daily Vaper

A Guide to the World’s Biggest Vaping Conventions

Photo via Shutterstock

Vapingman Contributor
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With over 20.8m vapers worldwide and counting, it’s not surprising that conventions have sprung up across the globe the bring the community together in a celebration of the activity.

Tens of thousands of people descend on expo centres to sell, promote and partake in new technology and flavours displaying a passionate support for vaping. Couple this with live music and a range of giveaways and competitions – you’ve got yourself an unmissable event.

Although the modern concept of vaping has been part of everyday life for many since as far back as 2004, even netting ‘vape’ a word of the year accolade from the Oxford Dictionary, the expo circuit didn’t really pick up until around 2015.

Since then the response from vendors and vapers has been phenomenal making some of the events as large and sought after as the large comic book conventions that dominate news in the summer months.

Interested in where you can find these get-togethers? This infographic showcases some of the biggest and best vaping conventions currently providing the community with an annual event to get excited about.

 The World’s Biggest Vaping Conventions
This post and graphic originally appeared in Vapingman.

Tags : vaping