
CNN Analyst: ‘Shocking’ Trump Called NYC Attacker ‘Animal’ [VIDEO]

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Justin Caruso Contributor
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CNN analyst Paul Callan said Wednesday that it was “really shocking” for President Trump to call the suspected New York terrorist an “animal.”


Callan said, “I would say it’s amazing but it’s not, because every day he says things that no other president has ever said, and that are really shocking.”

“Calling somebody, you know, in a criminal case, as President of the United States, an animal–maybe the guy on the street thinks that, and a lot of people think that. But the President of the United States has to stand with a little bit of dignity when representing the country. And what he is suggesting, I think, Brooke, in saying what he did, is that we should take them out and shoot them,” he continued.

A terror attack in New York Tuesday night killed eight and injured eleven. The suspect is reportedly an ISIS sympathizer.

Trump told reporters Wednesday that the suspected New York truck attacker is an “animal,” saying that the U.S. has to get “much smarter” and “much less politically correct.” (RELATED: Trump Unchained — Calls NYC Attacker An ‘Animal’ In Fiery Statement [VIDEO])


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