
Michael Avenatti Refuses To Say Whether Or Not Brett Kavanaugh Raped His Client

(RIGHT:Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images LEFT: Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Mike Brest Reporter
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Michael Avenatti, the attorney representing Julie Swetnick — the third woman who has come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh — refused to state definitively that Kavanaugh raped his client when he was in high school during an interview with CNN on Wednesday afternoon.


CNN’s Jake Tapper started, “She details a horrific assault, saying, ‘In approximately 1982, I became the victim of one of these gang or train rapes, where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present.’ Now, she didn’t specifically say that Kavanaugh was one of the attackers. Is your client claiming that Kavanaugh raped her?”

“I’m not going to have any further comment on that specific allegation,” Avenatti responded. “She’s going to detail that for the FBI and hopefully for the Senate Judiciary Committee, ultimately, in a public hearing. But I’m not going to provide any—”

Tapper then cut in, asking, “Are you saying that Kavanaugh was present? That Kavanaugh was present in the room? He was in the line? He was in the party? I mean, just to say he was present is a really egregious lack of specificity when you’re talking about charges this horrific.”

“Jake, I disagree completely with what you just said,” Avenatti stated.

Avenatti first tweeted out the allegations made by Swetnick earlier on Wednesday, in which she describes getting gang raped at a party where she alleges Kavanaugh was present without clarifying his role in the alleged attack. (RELATED: Woman Repped By Avenatti Claims Kavanaugh Attended Gang-Rape Parties)

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