
Stay-At-Home Mom Wants To Turn Her Hometown Into A Sanctuary City — For Gun Owners

Courtesy "Radona Grossman-Devereaux "

Stephanie Hamill Video Columnist
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A stay-at-home mom is leading the movement in her hometown to turn it into a sanctuary city—for gun owners.

Rodona Grossman-Devereaux is a stay-at-home mom in Kennewick, Washington, and she is one of many in the state who are against Washington Initiative 1639 (I-1639), which was approved November 2018. (RELATED: Washington Passes Sweeping Gun Control Bill That Raises Age Limit on Some Gun Purchases)

I-1639, which went into effect January, raises the age limit to semi-automatic rifles from 18 to 21, imposed a 10-day waiting period to purchase the firearms and also requires gun owners to lock up firearms or face criminal charges, among other things.

“If there are sanctuaries for illegals, why not gun owners?” Devereaux asked. “There are so many violations. It’s not just the Second Amendment that’s violated—it’s the Fourth Amendment, it’s the Fourteenth Amendment, it’s ridiculous.”

In an interview with The Daily Caller, Devereaux explains what she and others are doing around the state to push back against I-1639.


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