
Amy Klobuchar Says She’d Make Room For Pro-Life Democrats


Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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Democratic Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar seemed to set herself apart from most of her competition Tuesday when she said that the party should be making room for pro-life Democrats.

Klobuchar made a remote appearance on ABC’s “The View” just ahead of the New Hampshire primary, taking her final question from Meghan McCain. (RELATED: ‘There Is No Deal’: Amy Klobuchar Says Her Campaign Is Not Working With Biden In Iowa)


McCain began by pointing to independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ comments regarding abortion.

“Bernie Sanders said — this is a quote. He said, ‘I think being pro-choice is an essential part of being a Democrat,’ and you got attention over the weekend because you don’t seem to think that,” McCain said. “You seem to think that there’s room for pro-life people in your party. I just want to confirm, do you think there’s room for pro-life Democrats to vote for you?”

Klobuchar responded by first stating her personal position, saying that she was “strongly pro-choice.” (RELATED: ‘Late-Term Abortion Is Pretty Black And White’: Meghan McCain Throws Down On ‘The View’)

“I have always been pro-choice, but I believe we’re a big tent party, and there are pro-life Democrats and they are part of our party, and we need to build a big tent,” Klobuchar continued. “I think we need to bring people in instead of shutting them out, and that also includes independents right here in New Hampshire as well as moderate Republicans.”

“It was lovely to have you even though you’re not here in person. It was lovely to talking to you Amy — Senator Klobuchar,” Joy Behar said while closing the interview as McCain added with a laugh, “See you at the polls! We’re looking forward to the possible Klob-a-surge tonight.”