
Ben ‘Parlay’ Patz Charged With Threatening Athletes, Faces 5 Years In Prison

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David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Professional gambler Ben “Parlay” Patz is in some serious hot water with the law.

According to a Wednesday report from ActionNetwork.com, Patz has been charged with transmitting threats in interstate or foreign commerce after he allegedly sent messages about rape and murder to several athletes during 2019. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

According to the report, he allegedly told a player on the Patriots he’d “brutally rape and murder” their family and cut their “neck open with a dull knife.”

He’s accused of sending a player on the Blue Jays a message that read, “I will behead you n****r.” There were multiple other messages allegedly sent, but those are two of the worst.

Patz gained some fame after earning north of $1 million on parlay bets during the 2019 football season. Now, he faces five years behind bars if he’s convicted of sending the messages to athletes.

Obviously, Patz is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. That’s the standard we have here in America, and we should all be thankful for it.

Having said that, when speaking in a broader sense, anybody who messages athletes negative things and threats is a loser.

Again, I’m not convicting Patz here. I’m saying that in a general sense. If you threaten or DM an athlete to talk trash, then you’re a clown.

If you wouldn’t say it in person, then don’t send it via DM to an athlete capable of pulverizing you. It’s a simple standard to live by.

If Patz is guilty, then a message should be sent. You simply can’t let people get away with threatening athletes. You can’t do it.