
NCAA Approves Giving Spring Sport Athletes Another Year Of Eligibility

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David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Spring sport athletes in college will be allowed to get another year of eligibility.

According to Nicole Auerbach, the NCAA Division I Council has approved extending eligibility for players after coronavirus ended sports. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

It’ll be left up to individual schools which players they want to keep around for an extra year.

This is the right move by the NCAA. This was a really simple call for athletes in spring sports. Their seasons were cut dramatically short because of a virus.

You simply can’t ask young men and women to give up an entire year of eligibility after very little competition.

For once, the NCAA actually did the right thing to help student athletes.

Having said that, we shouldn’t just give this to college basketball players. As much as I love college basketball, the NCAA shouldn’t extend eligibility in the sport.

March Madness was canceled because of the virus, and that sucked big time. However, that doesn’t mean every senior in college basketball should be allowed to hang around.


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I’m all in on letting the spring sport athletes stick around, but giving basketball players another year of eligibility would be a mess.

It’s time for the basketball players to move on. I hate to say it, but it’s the truth.