
Can I Throw A Football More Than 25 Yards? The Challenge Is On, And I Will Donate To Charity If I Fail

David Hookstead (Credit: David Hookstead)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Ladies and gentlemen, my honor and integrity has officially been challenged, and I have to respond.

During a text conversation with a close friend of mine Sunday night (yes, I have a couple friends), it was claimed that I can’t throw a football more than 25 yards. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

You read that correctly. There is at least one person walking the planet who believes that I, King in the North, can’t toss a pigskin more than a quarter of the field.

At first, I didn’t want it to get to me. We’re all frustrated in coronavirus isolation and our minds start wandering.

I shouldn’t be offended by such an absurd claim, right?

So, I decided to tweet a poll asking people if I should take to the street and fire one off for the neighborhood to watch.

The results weren’t close. People want to see a show.

So, just to prove a point, here’s what we’re going to do. I have a couple Wisconsin Badgers helmets arriving at the end of the week.

Once they’re here, I’m putting one on, walking outside, measuring off several distances and then I’m going to gun a football down the street.

To keep things totally fair, I’m not going to practice at all. I haven’t thrown a deep ball since last summer. It’s been a long time.

Yet, I still 100% believe I can go 30 yards without any issues, and I honestly think I can push 40 if the shoulder isn’t sore.

So, to keep things fun, I’m going to let you guys set the standard. Let me know how far you think I can throw, we’ll set an average and then we’ll see results.

To keep things fun, if I fail to make the 25 yards, I’ll donate some money to a charity helping people in need during the coronavirus pandemic.

David Hookstead (Credit: David Hookstead)

David Hookstead (Credit: David Hookstead)

So, sound off in the comments, and let’s have some fun during these trying times!