
Joe Biden Accuser Tara Reade Slams Time’s Up Movement For Making Sexual Assault A ‘Partisan Issue’

(Photo by TIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP via Getty Images)

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Presidential hopeful Joe Biden’s sexual assault accuser has slammed Hollywood’s Time’s Up movement for making sexual assault a partisan issue.

Reade accused the movement organizers of staying silent after she made sexual assault allegations against former Vice President Joe Biden, according to an interview published Wednesday by Fox News.

“Why have you made sexual assault and sexual harassment a partisan issue?” Reade said in an interview with Fox News, in response to the the celebrities’, most of who have advocated for assault victims in the past, silence. “Why aren’t you looking at the veracity of my claim, looking at that I’m willing to go under oath, that I made a police report, that I worked for Joe Biden?”

“You should be able to have your voice heard without losing your career and losing your job. And that’s what your whole mission is about. Why do I not qualify for your mission?” Read said. “Why, because my perpetrator is the leading Democrat? Why does that exempt me from help?”

Reade, a former aid for Biden when he worked in the Senate, claimed the presidential candidate ended her career after she reported that he had sexually assault her in an exclusive interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“You ended my career,” Reade addressed Biden in the interview. “You ended my job after you assaulted me. You claim to be the champion of women’s rights, but your public persona does not match your personal actions.” (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: ‘Joe Biden, I Want You To Release The Personnel Records’: Tara Reade Demands Transparency From Biden)

Reade first came forward with the allegations at the end of March. Reade has maintained that Biden touched her, kissed her and penetrated her with his fingers without consent while she worked for him in 1993.

The Time’s Up movement was first started in 2018 in response to the many allegations against now-convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein. Celebrities who have been active participants of the movement before remain silent regarding the allegations against Biden including Alyssa Milano.

As previously reported, Milano finally acknowledged the allegations after Reade’s former neighbor came forward corroborating her allegations.

“I’m aware of the new developments in Tara Reade’s accusation against Joe Biden,” she tweeted. “I want Tara, like every other survivor, to have the space to be heard and seen without being used as fodder. I hear and see you, Tara. #MeToo.”