
Democrats Running For Senate Refuse To Say If Biden Accuser Is Lying

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Henry Rodgers Chief National Correspondent
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2020 Democratic candidates running for Senate will not say if they think the sexual assault allegations against former Vice President Joe Biden that have been brought forward by a former staffer are fabricated.

The Daily Caller contacted several Democrats running for Senate in key races, asking if they do not believe all women and if they believe Biden’s accuser, Tara Reade, is lying about her allegations.

Reade has accused the then-senator of kissing her, touching her and penetrating her with his fingers without her consent in 1993.

Each candidate’s press offices were given over 24 hours to respond and many were contacted multiple times but not one responded.

This comes days after Politico released a piece with responses from the Democratic Senate candidates. Most of the candidates have endorsed Biden and are sticking by him despite the allegations. Their responses given to Politico were all very similar.

The Daily Caller also asked the candidates if they coordinated their statements with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer or the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC).

Here Are All The Senate Democratic Candidates Who Have Refused To Say If They Think Tara Reade Is Lying:

  • Maine House of Rep. Sara Gideon
  • Kentucky Democrat Amy McGrath
  • Alabama Democrat Doug Jones
  • Michigan Democrat Gary Peters
  • Iowa Democrat Theresa Greenfield
  • Colorado Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper
  • Montana Democratic Gov. Steve Bullock

Many of the Democratic Senate candidates were vocal defenders of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford.

Gideon, who is running against Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins, tweeted her support for Ford in September of 2017, saying “One year ago today. Thank you Dr. Ford for your bravery. #BelieveWomen.” However, she has not commented on Reade’s allegations.

Gideon’s campaign has fundraised off of opposing Kavanaugh, saying in an email blast “When Senator Collins cast a critical vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, she justified her decision by saying Kavanaugh would respect precedent on Roe. We knew that a woman’s right to choose was at risk, and now, it’s even clearer.” (RELATED: National Archives Debunks Biden’s Claim, Says Senate Docs Related To Tara Reade Are Kept Elsewhere)

The email concluded by saying, “Can you make a $3 contribution to Sara Gideon’s campaign to defeat Susan Collins? She needs your help in what will be a very difficult and close election. While Brett Kavanaugh’s wealthy backers hold huge fundraisers for Susan Collins, it’s up to us — all of us — to fight back. That is why your contribution is so important.” Yet, she has not commented on the allegations against Biden.

Peters, who voted against Kavanaugh’s confirmation and has been silent on Biden’s allegations, endorsed the former Vice President on April 15, saying “Throughout this primary, I’ve said that the Democratic nominee needs to put Michigan and the issues that matter to our state first. I’m supporting @Joe Biden because I believe he’s the person to do just that. More than ever, we need a steady leader to bring us together and find common ground. Joe has always been there for Michigan — he helped us through the auto rescue and guided us through the financial crisis. He’s shown that he’ll be a champion for Michigan’s families and workers.”

Jones also declared his opposition to Kavanaugh due to the allegations brought forward by Ford.

“The Kavanaugh nomination process has been flawed from the beginning and incomplete at the end. Dr. Ford was credible and courageous and I am concerned about the message our vote will be sending to our sons and daughters, as well as victims of sexual assault. I will be voting no.,” He said in September 2018 on Twitter.

In July of 2019, McGrath flipped her position on Kavanaugh’s confirmation, saying “I was asked earlier today about Judge Brett Kavanaugh and I answered based upon his qualifications to be on the Supreme Court. But upon further reflection and further understanding of his record, I would have voted no,” in a tweet.

Mcgrath previously said: “I was worried when Kavanaugh was nominated because I felt like his stances on unions and women’s reproductive rights and some of those things were pretty far out of the mainstream,” she told Insider Louisville. “At the same time, there wasn’t anything that disqualified Judge Kavanaugh from becoming a Supreme Court justice. So that’s where I stood. I mean, I didn’t have to make a vote one way or the other, but there was nothing to disqualify Judge Kavanaugh.” But after backlash she changed her position.

Arizona Democratic Senate candidate Mark Kelly, who is expected to face a tight race, said Wednesday that he stands by his endorsement of Biden despite the allegations saying, “I think (Biden) has the right experience and has the leadership ability, what our country needs right now,” in an appearance on a radio interview on KTAR News.

The Daily Caller contacted several former Senate staffers about the silence from Democrats. Most referenced the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and the double standard between Kavanaugh’s accusers and Biden’s. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Senators Who Condemned Kavanaugh Refused To Denounce Fairfax)

Mike Davis, the president of Article III Project, told the Daily Caller that “The same Senate Democrats and challengers, like (missing) Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon, who argued that we must automatically and unthinkingly #BelieveAllWomen when the allegations involved then-high schooler Brett Kavanaugh have now shown their partisan double standard and hypocrisy in defending Joe Biden against Tara Reade’s much more relevant, serious, specific, corroborated, and credible allegations of workplace (in the Senate) rape, retaliation, and coverup.

“These Democrats only want us to #BelieveAllWomen who accuse powerful Republicans and throw-away Democrats (like Al Franken) of sexual assault,” Davis continued. (RELATED: Senate Democrats Refuse To Acknowledge Sexual Assault Accusations Against Joe Biden)

“Hypocrisy is the most potent weapon in politics, it’s smart for Republicans running for Senate to point out the clear double standard Democrats have set,” Garrett Ventry, a former communications adviser to Senator Chuck Grassley told the Daily Caller.

Biden has continually denied Reade’s allegations.