
‘That Person Always Gets Demolished’: Jesse Watters Says Obama Has A ‘Horrible Track Record’ On Endorsements

Virginia Kruta Associate Editor
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Jesse Watters claimed Thursday that former President Barack Obama had a “horrible track record” when it came to political endorsements.

Noting that Obama had endorsed his own former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016, Watters argued that the former president had a history of struggling to help elect anyone other than himself. (RELATED: ‘American Despotism’: Jesse Watters Says Media Would Have Trashed Trump If He Had Closed Things Earlier)


“The Five” cohost Juan Williams pointed out that Obama had a relatively high approval rating — 59% — when he left office in 2017, suggesting that his continued popularity could be good for Biden.

“Barack Obama won’t be able to campaign for Joe Biden because he will be in prison,” Watters began with a joke. “Once they slap those Obamagate charges on that guy, he won’t be able to leave his cell. Everybody knows that.”

Watters then turned back to the serious discussion at hand, adding, “Barack Obama, whenever he campaigns for other people, whether it’s in the midterms or another someone like Hillary, that person always gets demolished. I mean he’s had a horrible track record when he’s not on the ticket. I don’t see why this would be any different.”

Watters went on to suggest that Obama was one of the reasons that President Donald Trump had won the 2016 election in the first place. “We had eight years of a horrible economy, bad trade deals, Iranian nuclear deals, that ushered in the era of Trump.”