FCC Chairman Ajit Pai sat down with the Daily Caller to discus America’s latest move in our ongoing conflict with Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which saw the FCC classify two of China’s biggest companies as “unique threats” to national security.
Pai told White House Correspondent Anders Hagstrom that Huawei and ZTE – Chinese tech giants – got hit with the classification, which prevents them from receiving any funds American companies have received from a multi-billion-dollar U.S. grant program. Pai said the FCC is still exploring potential further action against the CCP. (RELATED: ‘Seattle Has Been Liberated’: White House Celebrates The Fall Of CHAZ)
Pai also touched on the ongoing argument in the U.S. over how – or whether – social media should be regulated in the U.S. President Donald Trump released an executive order last month calling on Congress to amend Section 230, the law granting internet companies immunity from lawsuits over how they moderate third-party content on their sites.
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