COVID-19 Hospitalizations Increase Across The US, Only 2 States Report Declines

(Photo by U.S. Navy via Getty Images)

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Only two states in the U.S. have reported a decline in coronavirus cases in the last week.

Across the country, case numbers have risen along with hospitalizations due to COVID-19, according to an article published by CNN.

Wisconsin health officials reported a record high of 141 new hospitalizations on Wednesday, according to data obtained by the outlet.

“We obviously hoped this day wouldn’t come, but unfortunately, Wisconsin is in a much different and more dire place today, and our healthcare systems are being overwhelmed,” Gov. Tony Evers said while announcing the opening of a field hospital, according to CNN. (RELATED: New Coronavirus Restrictions Enacted Across Europe As Coronavirus Cases Rise)

Utah Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox claimed the spread of the virus in the state is “way too high” and confirmed the hospitalization rates were “surging” after the news about the Wisconsin field hospital broke.

“Our hospitalization rates are surging and beginning to place a strain on our healthcare system (especially staffing),” Cox tweeted Wednesday. “And, sadly, we are now seeing increased fatalities. The Wisconsin announcement should be a sobering reminder as Utah isn’t far behind in infection rates.”

The U.S. has reported an average of 44,000 daily, according to date given by Johns Hopkins University, CNN reported.

“Instead of going into the fall and the winter on a sharp decline down to a low baseline, we’re actually going into the fall and the winter with some parts of the country ticking up, which will ultimately lead to not only more infections, but more hospitalizations and then community spread, which will ultimately lead to morbidity and mortality,” Dr. Fauci recently said, according to CNN.

Despite the increase across the country, two states have reported declines. Alabama is seeing a decline in positive tests this week, according to data from John Hopkins University. Hawaii has also reported a decline in new daily cases, the data shows.

The increase in cases across the country has been met with implementation of stricter measures. In Wisconsin, a new order that limits public gatherings was implemented. In New York City, where coronavirus clusters have been popping up, Gov. Cuomo implemented new restrictions including closing schools.

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear renewed the state’s mask mandate for another 30 days after claiming the state was seeing its third escalation of coronavirus cases, according to CNN. The state reported its highest number of new coronavirus cases ever Saturday.

Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Wyoming have also reported record-high hospitalization rates this past week, the outlet reported.

World Health Organization Executive Director of Health Emergencies Programme Dr. Mike Ryan claimed there are other ways to bring the case numbers down while waiting for a COVID-19 vaccine.

“If people who were sick stayed at home, and were supported in doing that, and if their contacts stayed at home, and were supported in doing that, we could break the back of this disease,” Ryan said, according to CNN.

“We keep avoiding that elephant in the room,” he reportedly said.