Protesters Met By National Guard In Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Screenshot-Richie McGinniss:Daily Caller

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Protesters in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin were met by the National Guard when demonstrations began Thursday night.

Videos showed members of the National Guard and several large vehicles parked in front of the crowd, which gathered around 9:00 p.m.

The crowd then ran back to their vehicles and began driving in a car caravan around Wauwatosa. (RELATED: State Of Emergency Declared In Wisconsin During Night Of Unrest)

One video showed a car driving on the sidewalk in a residential neighborhood.

Daily Caller reporters Shelby Talcott and Richie McGinniss were detained and repeatedly hit by police while reporting on the scene.

“@RichieMcGinniss and I just got detained/almost arrested,” Talcott said on Twitter. “Officers kicked me and hit me with a billy club and repeatedly hit Richie with a club (we were not resisting). Luckily, an officer came while we were waiting in the police van and recognized that we were press.”

Talcott said that she and McGinniss were released once officers realized they were press, but two other reporters, independent reporter Brandon Gutenschwager and Campus Reform senior campus correspondent Blair Nelson, were not released.

“Richie had his press credentials visible before he was taken down,” Talcott said. “I was sitting in the car (outside of the area where protesters were being arrested) waiting for Richie (who was filming).” Gutenschwager was also in the car with Talcott when the incident occurred. Nelson and McGinniss were told to leave and complied, and were heading towards the car before being chased down by police, Talcott reported.

The protest followed a tense night of rioting Wednesday night. Townhall reporter Julio Rosas captured videos of rioters smashing windows of stores and private homes.

Some people in Wednesday night’s crowd threw objects at police, Rosas reported. Police responded with crowd control munitions, including tear gas and pepper balls. Photos showed damage to private homes and businesses that were targeted.

Demonstrations began following the announcement that a police officer who fatally shot a teenager outside of a shopping mall February 2 would not face charges. Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm said Wednesday that Wauwatosa police officer Joseph Mensah would not face charges because he had a reasonable belief that deadly force should be used, ABC 7 News reported.

Mensah and two other officers at the scene said that 17-year-old Alvin Cole had pointed a gun at them, and Chisholm said that evidence showed that Cole had fired a shot while fleeing, ABC 7 reported.