
Husband Braves The Snowy Weather To Get His Wife A Corn Dog Instead Of Just Telling Her No

Corn Dog Video (Credit: Screenshot/YouTube Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMPq8H9ooeQ&feature=youtu.be)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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One husband made the foolish decision of not telling his wife “no” when it came to what she wanted to eat.

YouTube user Simply Simmer posted a video of her husband on the news after braving the cold temps to get her a corn dog. Yes, you read that correctly. (RELATED: David Hookstead Is The True King In The North When It Comes To College Football)

She wrote the following:

We live just outside of St. Louis and we had a huge snowstorm hit yesterday. I told my husband I wanted corndogs and he, being the loving husband that he is, went down to the grocery store to get me some corndogs. The local news was there, and this is what my husband had to say about what he was doing there… I can’t stop laughing.

You can watch the situation unfold below.

Look, I’m all for romantic stuff from time to time, but this is just a bridge too far.

Rushing out into the snow to get a corn dog? Are you kidding me? Tell your wife no! She doesn’t need a damn corn dog!

Now, would I rush out in the icy temps to get cold beer? Folks, I’ve done that more times than I can count, but a corn dog is outrageous.

It’s terrible food, and there’s no reason your wife couldn’t get it herself. After all, it’s 2021. Aren’t we all supposed to be totally equal?

How is the husband needing to get the garbage known as a corn dog socially acceptable?

My man, I can hear the whip cracking from all the way over here. Next time, don’t risk it unless it’s actually worth having, and a corn dog 100% isn’t.

H/T: BroBible