
‘Corrupt, Lying, Cheating Criminal’: Megyn Kelly Tears Into Cuomo Over Nursing Home Coverup

(Photo by Phillip Faraone/Getty Images for Fortune)(Photo by Michael Nagle/Getty Images)

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Mary Margaret Olohan Social Issues Reporter
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Journalist Megyn Kelly tore into Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Friday as the governor continued to shrug off responsibility for the number of coronavirus patients who had died in nursing homes after his March 25 order.

During a podcast episode with talk show host Eric Bolling, Kelly discussed how Cuomo reportedly threatened a New York Democrat who has been critical of the governor’s coronavirus management. (RELATED: Cuomo Administration Hid Nursing Home Deaths To Keep Feds In The Dark: Report)

“This guy needs to be bounced out of office,” Kelly said. “It’s not a cancel culture thing. You have a corrupt, lying, cheating criminal at the top of the New York State Government. It is beyond time for the press to stop looking the other way.”

“Thousands of people are dead,” Kelly added later during the conversation. “There appears to be a massive cover up a foot. Let’s just look at the relative stakes here. We’re talking about the massive loss of life of our most vulnerable beloved ones.” (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: New York Admits Knowingly Undercounting Nursing Home Deaths After Quietly Changing Reporting Rules)

Democratic Queens Assemblyman Ron Kim said that he angered the New York governor by circulating a letter accusing Cuomo of obstruction of justice. The letter drew on an admission from top Cuomo aid Melissa DeRosa, who reportedly admitted to New York lawmakers that Cuomo’s administration withheld the number of COVID-19 nursing home deaths, fearing federal prosecutors would use the numbers against the state.

Kim said that Cuomo called him and berated him about the letter and pressured him to lie about the aide’s disclosure of the nursing home death totals.

“He goes off about how I hadn’t seen his wrath and anger, that he would destroy me and he would go out tomorrow and start telling how bad of a person I am and I would be finished,” Kim told the New York Times.

“Basically, I saw a crime and he’s asking me to say that I did not see that crime. I heard what I heard and I can’t lie,” Kim told the Times.

Cuomo also said Friday that his biggest mistake has been his failure to do enough to dispel false information.

“Those false statements must be countered. Or else people get confused,” Cuomo said, adding, “No one has a right to spread lies or misinformation.”

“I get it. You have to knock it down and chew through it and counter it aggressively. Otherwise people will believe it,” Cuomo said, before suggesting that bereaved families were willing to believe misinformation because they were suffering. “And here, the people who were listening to it were people who were in pain and looking for answers. I was not aggressive enough in knocking down the falsity.”

“We were busy,” he continued. “We were doing our job trying to save lives. No excuses. I was not aggressive enough in knocking down the falsities … But I should have been more aggressive in calling it out.”

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