Our Reporter Tried To Enter The Now-Infamous Donna, Texas, Immigrant Detention Center. Watch What Happens

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Michael Ginsberg Congressional Correspondent
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Daily Caller reporter Jorge Ventura was denied access to a border facility where the Biden administration is holding thousands of unaccompanied migrant minors.

The Donna Border Detention Center holds thousands of migrants. Its facilities are stretched well beyond capacity, even as the Biden administration has downplayed the overcrowding.

“There is no media access, as they are trying to not show anyone what’s really going on with the migrants, the conditions that they’re in, the over-crowded pods that they’re in, and this is all going on while we’re in a pandemic. You can now see a Border Patrol truck leaving the facility,” Ventura said. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Video Footage Of The Border Facility Everyone’s Talking About)

Signs at the entrance to the facility read “No Photography.”

A federal agent told Ventura that he had to get off the property.

“You can stay on the sidewalk, but you can’t be here,” the agent said.

Footage of the facility released by Democratic Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar, Project Veritas, and Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) shows migrants huddled together in pods, as well as shelves stocked with food, clothes, and other necessities. Some members of Congress have expressed concern about the impact of the Donna and El Paso facilities, and increased illegal immigration in general, on the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Joe Biden denied that the influx of migrants is anything more than a normal pattern of illegal immigration. (RELATED: ‘That’s A Serious Question?’: Joe Biden Becomes Agitated With Reporter Asking About ‘Unacceptable’ Conditions In Migrant Facility)

“I’d like to think it’s happening because I’m a nice guy, but it’s not–because it’s what happens every year,” he said earlier this week.

Border Patrol agents captured a record number of illegal immigrants in February.

The Biden administration expected the surge of illegal immigrants, particularly unaccompanied minors, to quickly overwhelm their facilities, documents from the Department of Health and Human Services revealed in early March.