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Jon Paramore Explains the Importance of the “Growth Mindset”

DN News Desk Contributor
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To become a successful entrepreneur, you need to have the right tools to succeed. Those tools are often considered to be money, a good idea, and a solid business plan. While these tools are essential when entering the entrepreneurial world, there is another tool that every entrepreneur should have in their arsenal – a positive mindset. Your mindset is like a blueprint you create to help you deal with any challenge that you might encounter along the way. There are different kinds of mindsets that people can adopt, both consciously and unconsciously. Entrepreneurial leader, business coach, and CEO of The Smash Co., Jon Paramore believes in the importance of having a strong mindset. Paramore puts particular importance on the “growth mindset”, and here, he explains why he believes this mindset is so important.

Firstly, Paramore explains, the growth mindset is usually discussed in comparison to another mindset – the fixed mindset. The fixed mindset will cause a person to believe that their journey of learning is over and that they know everything that they need to. This mindset, Paramore says, is a dangerous one as it can lead to creativity dead-ends and a belief that you do not need to continue learning from the world around you to succeed. The growth mindset, Paramore shares, is the antithesis of this idea. The growth mindset believes that we can always learn and develop new skills to overcome any obstacle, and that input from others is a welcome tool that we can use to reach our goals. Paramore shares that the importance of the growth mindset should never be underestimated, as we need to adopt this mindset to accept change and avoid feelings of frustration and defeat. No entrepreneur, Paramore says, will ever face a situation where the growth mindset couldn’t help them, as it is a changing toolkit that will always provide solutions to problems. Expanding on this, Paramore says, “Having a growth mindset means that you don’t let negative feelings about not being good enough or smart enough enter your mind.”

With a background in construction and sales, Jon Paramore co-founded the Smash Co. in 2015, as an essential coaching service for those who want to build their confidence to reach financial freedom and success. The Smash Co. provides consulting programs that aim to help entrepreneurs strengthen their mindset and overcome any obstacle to surpass their competition and become a leader in their industry. Of his desire to help entrepreneurs experience transformative growth through an understanding of the growth mindset, Paramore says, “Our mindset is often an untapped tool that we don’t realize we can develop and mold into a priceless resource that can take us to the height of our business.”

For anyone hoping to tap into their power source and become a leader in their industry, Jon Paramore believes that developing a growth mindset is the most important step that they can take.

Members of the editorial and news staff of the Daily Caller were not involved in the creation of this content.