
Ethan Hawke’s New Movie ‘Zeros And Ones’ Looks Downright Bizarre

Zeros And Ones (Credit: Screenshot/YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GiS4ofPIsY)

David Hookstead Sports And Entertainment Editor
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Ethan Hawke’s new movie “Zeros and Ones” looks incredibly weird.

The plot of the film, according to the trailer’s YouTube description, is as follows:

After witnessing the Vatican blown into the night sky, an American soldier stationed in a post-war Rome under lockdown sets out on a mission to uncover the truth for the world to see — and stop the true terrorists responsible. Fake news, espionage, American soldiers, Chinese middlemen, Middle Eastern holy men, provocateurs, diplomats, rogue elements of the CIA, the KGB, Mossad, informants, killers and rebels all play a role. Allegiances and history are fluid, and data and information are the most valuable and only commodity.

While all of that sounds interesting, the trailer doesn’t give me a lot of optimism that “Zeros and Ones” is going to be great. (REVIEW: ‘Westworld’ Season 3 Ends With The Possible Deaths Of Multiple Characters)

Give it a watch below.

I seriously have no idea what the hell I just watched. Is Ethan Hawke playing two characters? Is the Hollywood star playing twin brothers?

I honestly can’t tell. This movie doesn’t look good at all because the plot sounds awesome, yet the trailer looks terrible.

It almost feels like the movie was shot remotely, which explains so many computer and small shots. You didn’t see any packed scenes or big shootouts.

Everything looks like something that could have been shot with only a few people.

For those of you interested, you can catch “Zeros and Ones” starting Nov. 19. I think I’m a pass for now!