National Security

EXCLUSIVE: Republicans Demand Oversight Hearings On Illegal Immigrant ‘Catch And Release,’ Transportation Policies

(Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)

Michael Ginsberg Congressional Correspondent
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Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee are calling on Democratic chairwoman Carolyn Maloney to schedule a hearing to collect testimony on the Biden administration’s use of taxpayer dollars to transport illegal immigrants around the U.S.

As illegal immigration at the southern border hit an all-time high in 2021, the Biden administration ramped up transportation of migrants rather than revamping the Trump administration’s “Remain in Mexico” policy. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has begun allowing illegal immigrants to show deportation warrants in lieu of photo IDs, and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is reportedly using federal contractors to secretly transport migrants around the country.

These “release policies only exacerbate the crisis at our southwest border,” the Republicans write to Maloney, in a letter obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller. “It is imperative that the Committee conduct oversight of the ongoing southwest border crisis and the Administration’s migrant release policies.”

Read the letter here:

COR Hearing Request Letter to Maloney[1] by Michael Ginsberg on Scribd

Several Republicans have called for the impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the skyrocketing illegal immigration levels. Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs introduced articles of impeachment against Mayorkas in August 2021, and 15 others joined onto his resolution.

Mayorkas last testified in front of Congress in November. Then, he told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the U.S. faces immigration problems because the Trump administration “systematically dismantled” the country’s immigrant uptake procedures. Mayorkas also explained that only immigrants “who pose a threat to national security, public safety, and border security” would be deported. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Yvette Herrell Calls On House Oversight Chairwoman To Subpoena DHS Secretary Mayorkas)

“The day he took office, President Biden decided to dismantle our immigration system. As a result, we saw a surge of illegal migration at our Southern border that lasted the whole year, ending with the highest number of encounters of any December in the history of the Department of Homeland Security, which is not surprising because President Biden’s negligence has been broadcast around the world by the drug cartels that profit by shepherding people into the country,” Republican Wisconsin Rep. Glenn Grothman, who spearheaded the letter, told the Daily Caller in a statement.

In a recent meeting between Mayorkas and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials, CBP agents blasted Mayorkas’ handling of the crisis. Several agents noted that they were unable to fulfill their primary responsibility of patrolling the border, since they are now made responsible for processing migrants at detention centers, Townhall reported.

“Having visited the border five times last year, I’ve spoken with countless Border Patrol agents and local officials who are overwhelmed and frustrated they cannot sufficiently protect the border because of this surge. For months, we have asked Chairwoman Maloney to hold a hearing on the historic levels of illegal encounters at the border, why so many migrants are being let go into the interior, and what they’re doing about the massive spike in fentanyl deaths attributed to their neglect. We will continue to aggressively pursue accountability from President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the entire Administration for the unmitigated disaster they created,” Grothman added.