President Joe Biden’s approval rating has taken a hit yet again, a new CBS News/YouGov poll released Sunday revealed.
Biden’s approval rating now sits at 42%, one point lower than the March CBS News/YouGov poll, which saw the president with a 43% approval rating. CBS News called the new approval rating “its lowest point yet,” though other polls have shown the president’s rating fall below 42%. Biden’s disapproval rating is at 58%, according to the poll released Sunday.
The poll was conducted between April 5-8 among 2,062 respondents with a margin of error of +/- 2.8 points.
Among those polled, 69% said they disapproved of Biden’s handling of inflation, while 63% disapproved of his handling of the economy.
Fifty-percent of those polled said the reason the economy is bad is because they “don’ trust [the] Biden administration,” while 86% and 82% pointed to inflation and gas prices respectively. (RELATED: ‘We’re Going To Get Slaughtered’: Biden’s Poll Numbers Trigger Panic Mode For Democrats)
Amongst Democrats polled, 61% said they believe Biden is “doing all he can” to lower gas prices compared to 93% of Republicans who said Biden could be doing more. Sixty-seven percent of independents said Biden could do more to lower gas prices, according to the poll.
A recent NBC News poll found only 40% of Americans surveyed approved of Biden’s handling of the presidency, with those surveyed highlighting concerns about inflation, the economy and unemployment.