
Musk Hopes His ‘Worst Critics’ Stay On Twitter

REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

Brianna Lyman News and Commentary Writer
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Tesla CEO Elon Musk said Monday he hopes his “worst critics remain on Twitter” amid reports Twitter’s board will accept Musk’s offer to buy the platform.

“I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means,” Musk tweeted.

Twitter users have already begun threatening to deactivate their accounts should Twitter accept Musk’s $46.5 billion offer, with “#RIPTwitter” trending Monday.

“Not sure I am interested in Twitter if Elon Musk owns it,” CNN contributor John W. Dean tweeted late Sunday.

CNBC journalist John Rosevear said it “might be time to exit this platform soon.”

Voice actor Chelsey B. Coombs said if Twitter accepts Musk’s offer, she “will leave Twitter.” (RELATED: ‘Flag-Bearer For Free Speech’: Piers Morgan Says Musk’s Twitter Takeover Will Fight The ‘Woke Virus’)

Former U.S. Florida Senate candidate Pam Keith questioned “why the hell” Twitter would “agree to Musk buying and destroying what they built.”

An agreement between Musk and the social media platform could be reached as soon as Monday as the board negotiates his offer, The New York Times (NYT) reported. The board reportedly met Sunday to discuss the offer.

Musk originally offered $43 billion to buy Twitter but recently announced he secured $46.5 billion to pay for his offer, totaling $54.20 per share, according to Securities and Exchanges (SEC) filings released on April 20. Musk would finance the offer with the help of several banks who will provide him with debt to finance the deal, according to the filings. Musk would provide his own $21 billion in cash while receiving an additional $26 billion in debt from Morgan Stanley, Bank of America and Barclays, The Wall Street Journal reported.