
Courtney Love Retracts Her Support For Johnny Depp

Matt Writtle/Selfridges via Getty Images

Leena Nasir Entertainment Reporter
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Courtney Love retracted her support of Johnny Depp on Saturday, just four days after she publicly praised him and threw her support behind the actor on social media.

Love declared her respect and adoration for Depp amid the ongoing defamation battle between the actor and Amber Heard on May 20. She spoke about how Depp saved her life, and how gracious he was toward her daughter, Frances. Her May 20 post included a moment in which Love told Depp “I love you.”

However, she has since changed her tune and is retracting her support.

“Is it ANY OF MY F–KING BUSINESS? No,” Love said in an Instagram on Tuesday. “I want nothing to do with contributing more online bullying to someone enduring being bullied like no-one ever has been online. Ever.”

Love started off with intense love and support for Depp, stating “Johnny gave me CPR in 1995 when I overdosed outside the Viper Room,” in a now-deleted social media post that still exists on YouTube. She went on to detail the period in her life in which she was addicted to crack and Depp came to the aid of her daughter.

She also highlighted Depp’s generosity in sending her daughter and a few friends to a screening of “Pirates Of The Caribbean” in a limousine. At one point, Love even claims that her daughter told her, “Mama he saved my life.”

Love’s initial social media post also seemingly threw shade at Heard.

“If you use a movement for your own personal gain, and you inhibit queer feminist intersectional spaces and you abuse that moment, um, then you know, you, I hope – I hope justice gets served, whatever it is,” Love said. (RELATED: REPORT: The Depp Vs. Heard Battle Wreaks Chaos Outside Courthouse As Fans Fight For Access)


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Her tone has dramatically changed. “I engaged in expressing thoughts online. The platform accidentally posted a story I didn’t want public (I’m sure it was not deliberate),” Love said in her May 21 Instagram post. “I want to show neutral support for a friend. I dont want to bully. I’ve been bullied enough. I did not want to express my own bias / internalized mysoginy.”

Love continued to walk back her support of Depp and explained her reasoning for deleting the initial post.