
Reports Of UFOs Over Ukraine Are Skyrocketing


Kay Smythe News and Commentary Writer
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Notable physicist Avi Loeb published an op-ed Sunday where he claims he’s been bombarded with requests to read a new report on unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) over Ukraine.

Loeb’s op-ed, published by Salon, focuses on a report by astronomers from Ukraine’s Main Astronomical Observatory that detailed two types of UAP activity, cosmics and phantoms, noting that “we see them everywhere.” The phantom UAP sightings were described by the team as dark objects with no physical emissions, their activities far exceeding the capabilities of human-made aircraft or rockets.

After reading the astronomer’s highly detailed report, Loeb decided to publish his own where he dismissed their extensive research as a miscalculation. Reducing their inferred distance by a factor of ten is fully consistent with “the size and speed” of “artillery shells,” Loeb wrote in the report.

Loeb also responded to everyone who contacted him about the strange sightings in the same manner, telling them “I am not sure what to make of the report. Ukraine is in a military conflict with a lot of human-made activity in the sky. This must introduce a lot of noise for any search for objects that are not human-made. In science we aim to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio, and so Ukraine would be the last place on Earth where I would initiate UAP studies.” (RELATED: China Claims It Might Have Detected Signals From Aliens, Then Deletes The Report)

Loeb seemingly dismissed all of the reports in one fell swoop, despite his own lack of any meaningful evidence to make these claims other than what appears to be human limitations on technological development and his opinion. A LiveScience article on the MAO study suggested that some of the technology may be foreign surveillance or military technologies.