
Video Shows Crazed Man Trying To Smash In Woman’s Front Door After Attacking Her In The Street


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A shocking video shows a stranger trying to break into a woman’s house with a bike lock after attacking her on the streets of London.

The man in the video that captures the Feb. 26 incident has been identified as 22-year-old Gulwali Stanezay, according to The Sun. Stanezay allegedly attacked the homeowner in the Harleston section of North West London while she was facetiming a friend, the outlet reported. She then fled to a neighbor’s house from which she reportedly watched Stanezay’s assault on her home. He can be seen in the video hurling himself at the homeowner’s front door, striking both the front and the back doors with a bike lock, and destroying a doorbell camera. (RELATED: Doorbell Camera Captures Suspect Right After Parade Massacre)

The homeowner called the police but was apparently dissatisfied with their lack of urgency, saying the operator had “no empathy,” according to The Sun. Apparently the police told her they couldn’t give an estimated time of arrival “due to an event at Wembley,” the Sun reported, noting that police resources were tied up at a big soccer game between Manchester United and Newcastle United that evening.

The friend who had been facetiming with the homeowner managed to contact her father, who was able to track Stanezay down only to be punched by him, according to The Sun.

Stanezay, who The European Conservative’s David Atherton described as an “Afghan asylum seeker,” was on the loose for three days before authorities managed to detain him on March 3, according to The Sun. British police found him while responding to reports of assault and vehicle damage in the same area the outlet reports.

He pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated bodily harm and two counts of criminal damage. He will be sentenced at Harrow Crown Court on Thursday, per the outlet.