
‘Kiss Me! Tell Me I’m F*cking Hot!’: Woman Loses Her Absolute Mind While Getting Dragged Out Of An Airport

[Twitter/Screenshot/Public — @CatchUpFeed]

Andrew Powell Sports and Entertainment Blogger
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What’s up with all the crazy airport content lately?

We’re still fresh off the crazy “that motherfucker back there is not real” airplane lady, but we’re having to shift our eyes to another crazy lady (from an unknown airport) who lost all her marbles in “tell me I’m fucking hot” fashion.

The video throws us right into the middle of a wacky scene where four security guards are trying to get control of a woman to carry her off, and the whole time, the woman is screaming like a lunatic.

At one point, the woman starts yelling, “Come on, kiss me! Kiss me!,” after asking who was the “head honcho.”

“What?! I’m not hot enough for you?! I’m not hot enough?! I’m not sexy enough?!,” screams the lady before she ultimately spits on one of the guards (which is assault, by the way). “Tell me I’m fucking hot! Tell me I’m fucking sexy! Tell me!”

Security eventually got a hold of the situation, carrying the woman away while she screamed about the guards apparently breaking her bones and something about what they were doing with her bag.

I don’t know, she’s a nut, but man, the entertainment value is pure.


As much as I’m loving all this content, I know I’m gonna be a bit concerned when it’s time for my next flight.

I’m always writing blogs about how people are going nuts, so I’m quite aware of how loony people have gotten nowadays. There’s a lot of crazy cats out there. But what makes it even scarier is the fact that the crazies are now taking their antics to airports and on airplanes, not caring a single iota about being hit with a felony or anything. Now call me old fashioned, but I think that kind of behavior should stay in the 7-Eleven parking lot where it belongs. (RELATED: This Is So NYC! Women Have The Most Hilariously Intense Exchange You’ll Ever See (And It Involves President Joe Biden)

Man, people really have lost it — but thanks for the laughs nonetheless.