National Security

Karine Jean-Pierre Asserts Biden Is ‘Stopping The Flow’ Of Illegal Migrants At The Border

The White House

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Jennie Taer Investigative Reporter
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White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre asserted that President Joe Biden is “stopping the flow” of illegal immigration at the southern border during a news briefing Wednesday, despite sky-high numbers of migrants illegally crossing the border.

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked Jean-Pierre to respond to a statement Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams made that “any plan” to provide a solution to the migrant influx he faces “that does not include stopping the flow at the border is a failed plan.” Under Biden’s leadership, there have been record flows of illegal immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border and large numbers of them making their way to New York. (RELATED: Latin American Gangs Have Adopted This New Tactic To Enter The US)

“Why aren’t you stopping the flow at the border?” Doocy asked, referring to Adams’ statement.

“We are stopping the flow at the border. If anything, what the president has been able to do on his own, without the help of Republicans in Congress, something that he had to do on his own again, because Republicans refuse to give the funding necessary to deal with the situation, a broken immigration system that has been broken for decades […],” Jean-Pierre said.

“What they choose to do is play politics, but the person, the president, has put a plan that is indeed the data, showing is that it is indeed stopping, slowing down the flow of unlawful migration, and that is because of the work that this present continues to do without the help of Republicans,” Jean-Pierre added.


Border Patrol recorded its highest number of illegal migrants at the southern border in fiscal year 2022, with more than 2.2 million encounters, according to the Congressional Research Service. The flow is continuing, with Border Patrol recording roughly 1.6 million encounters of illegal migrants in the region between October 2022 and July.

Meanwhile, New York has seen roughly 100,000 migrants come into its care, and Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul is meeting with the president Wednesday to address the issue, Jean-Pierre said.

Hochul recently sent a letter to Biden urging him to provide more shelter space and expedited work permits for migrants in city shelters.

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