
JJ Watt Ignores Former Star Running Back’s Blatant Racism In Pathetic Twitter Response

Justin K. Aller/Getty Images

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Former star NFL defensive end J.J. Watt capitulated to the left’s race-baiting BS, failing to call out blatant racism by former running back Rashard Mendenhall on Twitter.

Mendenhall initially tweeted “I’m sick of average white guys commenting on football. Y’all not even good at football. Can we please replace the Pro Bowl with an All-Black vs. All-White bowl so these cats can stop trying to teach me who’s good at football. I’m better than ur goat.”

Besides the fact that he’s just objectively wrong — Christian McCaffrey is whiter than paper and is currently leading the NFL in all-purpose yards by a mile — Mendenhall is also, at best, a career second-rate running back who now spends plenty of time commenting on players that are significantly better than he ever was. Talk about the pot calling the kettle … well, black.

J.J. Watt chose to ignore his former colleague’s mild bigotry, instead tweeting “We’d get cooked at corner, not gonna lie. Nobody on our squad is covering Tyreek.”

Watt’s not wrong about that, there hasn’t been a real white cornerback in the NFL since 2003. White corners, as the great Shane Gillis says, are “extinct, they don’t exist. There’s two left at the San Diego Zoo and they won’t reproduce.” (RELATED: The Arizona Cardinals Grant Star Tight End’s Release After J.J. Watt Posts News On Twitter)

To be fair to whitey though, there aren’t many corners of any race who can cover Tyreek Hill. The All-Pro receiver was on pace to break the NFL’s single-season receiving yards record before missing the Dolphins’ last game with an injury. With 1,542 yards, he only needs 423 more yards in the Dolphins’ remaining three games to break the record.

All kidding aside, Mendenhall is free to say what he likes about whichever race he wants to. Whatever helps him forget his Superbowl XLV fumble that cost him a ring.