
Stephen A. Smith Says He Had To Ask His Pastor’s Forgiveness Before Unleashing Attack On Jason Whitlock


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ESPN broadcaster Stephen A. Smith went scorched earth on fellow sports broadcaster, the Blaze’s Jason Whitlock, calling him a “fat bastard” and claiming he had to ask his pastor for forgiveness for what he was about to say.

“Jason Whitlock. I said that name,” Smith declared in a video posted to Twitter. “It’s not a name I’ve uttered. I normally don’t do that. But it’s necessary to do now. I’ve had enough of that fat bastard. That piece of shit. And I want to make sure that before I go to break, I want anyone out there who watches me, anyone out there who knows me, anyone out there, no matter what you think of me, I want you to remember I never talk about him. I never talk about my colleagues. I don’t do that. This is a first. But it’s necessary. And when I say I don’t talk about him, I don’t mean I don’t talk about him literally. I don’t — get in on him … like I’m about to do now.”

Smith then spoke about warning his pastor. (RELATED: ‘Kiss Your A** Twice’: Stephen A. Smith Unloads On Reports McAfee Pays For Rodgers Interviews)

“I literally called my pastor and asked for his forgiveness and understanding in advance because he’s not going to recognize the person he’s about to hear. I did the same when I emailed the bosses at ESPN.”

Smith then appeared to allude to recent controversy involving his ESPN colleague Pat McAfee and potential issues ESPN executives have with the latter’s contentious weekly segment with quarterback Aaron Rodgers.

“This is my podcast. I own and operate this. I do what I want on this podcast, but it doesn’t mean that I still don’t harbor a responsibility to at least give my daytime employers a heads up as to what I’m about to do.”

Smith concluded his harrowing two minute warning shot with the information that he warned everybody close to him that they may see a different side of him. “My sisters. My nieces and nephews. My boys in the industry. EVERYBODY that I could reach out to in time has been warned. It’s time for me to address this. I’m only going to do it once. Because this bastard is worth less than a damn cockroach. He wanted my attention. He’s got it.”

The suspense is KILLING me. What could Stephen A. possibly have to say that’s so foul he had to warn his family, his employer and his freaking pastor?

Whitlock, for his part, has responded in kind tweeting “Can’t wait,” and “It’s a book review Stephen. You wrote a book and I reviewed it.” 

Smith’s warning came hours after Whitlock accused him of spreading “farcical stories” and said Smith was a “myth” and claimed he was “installed” at the top.

I wait with baited breath for whatever Smith comes out with next because it’s sure to be a doozy.