
Forget The White House — Andrew Yang Belongs In The NFL Commissioner’s Office

Marco Bello/Getty Images

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Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang just fired out a take so astute and prescient that it may have turned me into a single-issue voter.

Yang, referencing the fact that Sunday’s much anticipated Chiefs-Dolphins playoff game will be exclusively broadcast on NBC’s pay-for-play streaming service Peacock, tweeted, “If I were President you would never have to download Peacock to watch an NFL playoff game.”

Now that’s a policy position we can all get behind. (RELATED: Here Are The Top-10 Bill Belichick Moments Of All Time)

NBC Universal struck a one-year deal with the NFL last year, paying the league a whopping $110 million for exclusive rights to a Jan. 13 playoff game, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Yang was not the only politician to criticize the money grab.

Democratic New York Rep. Pat Ryan took it a step further, demanding of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell that he make the game available on cable.

“How much more profit do Goodell and NBC need to make at the expense of hard-working Americans?” Ryan tweeted.

“I’m demanding NFL and NBC Sports end this Peacock bait-and-switch BS and offer the Dolphins-Chiefs game on TV. Millions of loyal fans already pay for NBC. Let us watch the damn game!” the Congressman concluded.

This is the type of bipartisan issue that could really bring a country together. Instead of running for president, Yang should look into challenging Goodell for commish. I can already see the marketing for it. Instead of his “Make America Think Again” slogan, he could get hats that say “Make NFL Free Again.”