During her appearance on the show “Hot Ones” uploaded Thursday, Sydney Sweeney shared some intriguing details about filming one of her most memorable scenes in the HBO hit series “Euphoria.”
The actress discussed the behind the scenes aspects of a particularly intense vomiting scene that left viewers both shocked and impressed. Typically, Sweeney explained, vomiting scenes are simulated using a simple, albeit unappetizing, mix of materials.
“A lot of films, they’ll just have a cup of mushed up anything that they have from craft team mixed with milk and water,” the famous actress told Sean Evans of “Hot Ones.” “And it’s the most disgusting thing, and you just put it in your mouth and you hold it and then you puke it up.”
However, the “Euphoria” scene called for a more complex approach, Sweeney said. Director Sam Levinson apparently wanted a more impactful visual effect for the scene, according to the actress. To achieve this, the production team used a pump to create a more dramatic and realistic vomiting sequence that Sweeney endured. (RELATED: The Rolling Stones Release A Sizzling Hot Music Video Featuring Sydney Sweeney)
“He just wanted vomit everywhere, so they had to get a pump, and they had this pipe that they just taped and hid on my body, and then they CGI’d it out up my neck. And then there was a horse bit that I had to put in my mouth,” the actress explained.
Reflecting on the experience, Sweeney didn’t mince words about how unpleasant it was.
“And so during that scene, they’re filling my mouth with throw up, and then I and then I open my mouth, and it just starts shooting out of my mouth,” she recounted. “And it was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever experienced.”