
Liberal Writer Says Men Punching NYC Women In The Face Is Somehow Trump’s Fault

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A recent string of young New York City women getting punched in the face is a “desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA,” a liberal writer at Salon Magazine claimed in a Monday op-ed.

The epidemic, plaguing Manhattan and the outer boroughs, of pretty young women getting socked in the face by mostly men is the result of male entitlement fueled by right-wing figures like Donald Trump and Jordan Peterson, Salon’s Amanda Marcotte claimed.

All of the women were minding their business when they were assaulted, and that is what bothered their assailants the most, Marcotte opined, clearly demonstrating an insight into the mind of deranged criminals the rest of us can only hope to achieve some day.

These men, so infuriated that there was a woman paying attention to something other than them, took it upon themselves to attack. This is all part of America’s current “moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man’s every whim,” this misguided commentator posited.

She goes on to, incorrectly, characterize fans of Jordan Peterson as seeking to “justify their faith in male dominance.” She also, again inaccurately, claimed that MAGA-folk are telling women lies about birth control. She links to another one of her bangers where she says Charlie Kirk falsely claimed that birth control screws up women’s brains. But it’s not false. It does.

“We don’t even need to know their names or faces to know that men who do this are losers,” she claims. I actually agree with her here. These men are losers. But since we here at the Daily Caller actually do some basic reporting before we pop off with wildly misinformed garbage takes we do know their names and their faces. Yes, these men are losers. They’re also, in many cases, allegedly Democrats, according to New York voter record data obtained by SteveMorse.org.

33-year-old Franz Jeudy was arrested in March for allegedly attacking 57-year-old Dulce Pichardo in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, according to ABC 7 New York. Jeudy reportedly had seven prior arrests for charges of assault. Jeudy is a registered Democrat, according to Morse’s voter data. (RELATED: Bethenny Frankel Breaks Her Silence After Being Punched In The Face In New York)

40-year-old Lydia Weil was arrested for two separate incidents between March 27 and April 1, police said, Pix 11 reported. In the first incident Weil allegedly pressed a lit cigarette to the face of a 51-year-old woman’s face, authorities stated, according to the outlet. Five days after, she allegedly kicked a 22-year-old woman in the thigh at a train station, law enforcement reportedly said. Weil is also, surprise surprise, a registered Democrat.

The lone exception to this rule is Skiboky Stora, a 40-year-old registered Republican who has repeatedly run failed candidacies for political office in the city, according to the New York Post. Stora was reportedly arrested for one of the most high-profile incidents of the sucker punch streak when he allegedly assaulted a well-known TikTok influencer in late March.

Stora has shared numerous videos of him harassing women in disturbing social media posts that clearly show he’s at best an extremely disturbed personality. He’s posted a myriad of clips in front of a Trump flag but he hardly profiles as the typical MAGA voter. “I’m battling Republicans and Democrats,” Stora claimed in a 2022 YouTube video where he seemed to be campaigning for governor.


Nowhere in her diatribe does Marcotte mention the fact that many of the known assailants are registered Democrats. Nor does she mention the long string of mental health issues associated with the vast majority of these men. Nowhere does she offer a solution that involves reforming ridiculous bail laws that allow obviously violent criminals to continue to terrorize the women of New York. Nope. None of that. Just a steady stream of “orange man bad.” I know, I know, we’ve heard it before. But the sheer laziness of writing this piece without doing a modicum of research into what you’re talking about deserves to be called out. Do better, Marcotte.