“Spider-Man: No Way Home” actor, Tom Holland, posted an image of his head injury to his Instagram story on May 6.
The famous actor mentioned his father, Dominic Holland, in his social media post, and linked to his Patreon page, where it was explained that the head wound was the aftermath of a family golf game. Holland showed off the bloody, circular wound located at the top of his forehead, revealing the damage left behind after he was whacked by a golf ball.
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The ball left an imprint on his skin that was visible to the naked eye.
“Whoever said golf isn’t a contact sport is full of shit,” Tom wrote in the caption of his post.
“You can almost see the dimples,” he said.
His father’s Patreon page offered a more in-depth description of the injury Holland suffered four days prior, according to People.
Dominic noted “A golf ball did hit his head,” and went on to explain that the injury wasn’t deemed to be a serious one.
“In fact, it was hit by a sand wedge from 80 yards, albeit by a scratch golfer who should have known better and frankly been more accurate,” Dominic said.
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“The offending player was Alex Roberts, a close friend of Tom’s … without knowing that his most important and highly valuable friend was off the green to his left,” he wrote, according to People.
Holland’s dad dove into more details about how the incident unfolded, and what led to his son’s injury.
“Whack. The ball struck Tom on the right of his forehead. Had it been just a few cm’s to his left or right … It was a great shock and it certainly hurt, hence why Tom hit the turf as though he’d been shot,” he wrote.
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Dominic said his famous son was lucky to be playing in Scotland in April, “when woolly hats are mandatory for survival,” as that provided a bit of a buffer from the impact. (RELATED: Drake’s Security Guard In Serious Condition As Police Investigate Shooting Outside Of Rapper’s Home)
He went on to say Holland was “dispatched to hospital for some checks,” but didn’t indicate if he required any medical treatment for his injury, according to People.