Soros-Linked Judge Releases Teen Gunman Who Allegedly Fired AR-15 At Car Dozens Of Times

REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

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A D.C. judge who has donated to an organization linked to billionaire Democratic donor George Soros released an 18-year-old man from jail after he allegedly fired 26 rounds of an assault rifle at a car, multiple outlets reported.

Judge Lloyd U. Nolan Jr., a magistrate judge in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, released 18-year-old Armonte Moody on bail and remanded him to house arrest, according to the Daily Mail. This followed an April incident where Moody allegedly shot 26 rounds from an AR-15 at a car carrying four people in a D.C. neighborhood.

Nolan Jr. has a pervasive social media history of supporting progressive causes, including promoting his donations to Gideon’s Promise, a Soros-linked charity dedicated to training public defenders, according to Fox News. “We envision a nation where everyone has access to zealous, outstanding legal representation necessary to ensure ‘equal justice for all’ in the criminal justice arena,” the organization’s website reads in part.

Professor Jonathan Rippling founded the Gideon’s Promise in 2007. The organization received a fellowship grant from Soros‘ Open Society Foundation, according to Fox News. (RELATED: Dem Operative Bankrolled By Soros, Planned Parenthood Runs Web Of Local ‘News’ Sites Across US Misleading Voters)

Nolan Jr.’s Facebook page is now private, but versions of his previously public page archived by the outlet show photos of him promoting progressive causes and claiming “2019 Still Woke.”

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in D.C. appealed Nolan Jr.’s decision to let Moody walk on bail in a court filing, claiming house arrest and GPS monitoring were not sufficient to keep Moody from endangering his community, according to the Daily Mail.

“Everyone in the car the defendant targeted was at risk. Every resident of that street was at risk,” the U.S. Attorney Office claimed in the court filing obtained by the outlet.

“Judge Nolan conducted a very thorough hearing … and spoke directly with defendant about the consequences of violating any portion of the release conditions,” a spokesperson for the D.C. Courts told Fox News.

A former Obama administration official blasted the decision as “insanity” in an interview with The Blaze.

“Where are the grown-ups?” Denise Krepp, who served as the chief counsel for the U.S. Maritime Administration under President Barack Obama, asked in the interview. “Where are the real grown-ups?”

A hearing for Moody’s pre-trial status is to be held Tuesday, according to The Blaze.