
BMW Faces Backlash After Admitting Pride Month Is A PR Stunt

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BMW faced backlash on Twitter after hopping on the annual trend of changing its logo to show its support for Pride Month, except in the Middle East.

The company shared its new look on Twitter announcing its change of logo on June 1, the beginning of Pride Month, and that it will be changed until the end of June.

The company later explained through other tweets that its logo was displayed internationally in all of its locations, but that it is up to the discretion of its sales companies and independent distributors if they would like to join its campaigns or not. (RELATED: Pride Marchers Face Off With Pro-Palestine Protestors After They Block Parade Route)

People have responded negatively to the tweets, asking things such as, “Why don’t you change your logo for Black History Month?” and, “How come you don’t proudly display your pride colors on your Middle East posts?”

The LGBTQ+ community has also spoken out. User Ani O’Brien tweeted, “As a lesbian, I would prefer you don’t pretend to take a moral stance on my human rights that is dependent on market conditions. Just drop the flag and go sell some cars.”

Others defend the logo change and do not see the omission of pride display in the Middle Eastern area as hypocritical. “Thank you for saying the quiet part out loud,” user Gustavo Santos tweeted. “Just shows how empty and fake this campaign is, trying show virtue where there is none. Hypocritical at best, evil at worst.”

On Instagram, the BMW account in the Middle East does not show the logo change on its profile, unlike its main and United States accounts.