
Former NBA Player Delonte West Suffers Medical Emergency During Police Arrest: REPORT

Ronald Martinez/Getty Images

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Police in Fairfax County, Virginia, arrested former NBA star Delonte West on Thursday, multiple outlets reported.

Officers were serving West a warrant for violating his release conditions from a previous arrest when he reportedly attempted to flee, TMZ reported.

Fairfax County Police briefly lost sight of West before finding him “unresponsive,” police told the outlet.

Officers administered the anti-overdose medication Narcan at the scene but were unable to revive West, according to TMZ. They then transported him to the hospital and resuscitated him with a second dose of Narcan, TMZ’s Michael Babcock reported on Twitter.

West was released from the hospital and transferred to jail, where he is currently being held, according to TMZ. (RELATED: The Saddest NBA Story Of Our Age Just Got A Little Sadder)

West has faced numerous struggles since his last NBA appearance in 2015. Police have arrested him numerous times, and viral videos of fans discovering him homeless and living on the streets in the Capitol region have frequently circulated online.

Mark Cuban, who owned the Mavericks while West played in Dallas, helped West enter a rehabilitation treatment center for drug addiction in 2020.

The Celtics picked West in the first round of the 2004 NBA Draft, and he went on to play nine seasons for Boston, the Dallas Mavericks, the Seattle Supersonics and the Cleveland Cavaliers.