Video Shows Stranded Surfer Rescued After He Created ‘HELP’ Sign With Rocks

(Image by Ananncee Media/Lummi)

Ilan Hulkower Contributor
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The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection in Santa Cruz tweeted Sunday that a stranded kite surfer was rescued by an airlift after he created a “HELP” sign with rocks on a beach.

“He was spotted by a private helicopter who then called for well, help,” the fire department tweeted along with various videos of the rescue. (RELATED: Video Shows Deputy Breaking Car Window To Save Toddler From Heat)

A photo shared by the department showed rocks arranged to form the word “HELP” in the background as a helicopter flew by.

“The surfer did not need medical attention, only help from the beach,” the Santa Cruz unit wrote.

The Santa Cruz unit, the Santa Cruz County Fire Department and California State Parks collaborated in this successful rescue effort, NBC News reported.

Florida firefighters worked to rescue a woman who crashed into a pond next to their station with her car April 10. “Rescuers pulled the victim out of the vehicle’s open window moments before it sank and assisted the driver to the shore, where she was transported to the hospital by paramedics without injury,” the Orange County Fire Rescue Department said in a Facebook post.