
‘He Built A Strong America’: Youngkin Says Virginia Could Be In ‘Play’ For Trump

[Screenshot/Fox News/"Hannity"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin said Monday on Fox News how his state could be in “play” for former President Donald Trump come this November, calling out the top issues for voters within the state.

Youngkin appeared on “Hannity” to discuss recent polling from the typically blue state which showed President Joe Biden in a tight race with the former president. Fox host Sean Hannity questioned the governor on the new data, asking if the state could possibly be in “play” for Trump based on the data being shown. (RELATED: New Projection Of Trump’s Popular Vote Spells Doom For Biden)

“Sean, I believe it is and that’s exactly what the polls are showing us. Just like Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona, those battleground states are seeing the exact same kind of statement that Virginians are making. They want a strong America. They want an America that has economic strength, not the Biden generated economy that’s unleashed inflation. They want an America that has national security strength, not the weak America that Joe Biden has created. They want an America that has a secure border, not one that has terrorists and illegal immigrants and fentanyl flowing every day,” Youngkin said.

“I mean we see it in Virginia. We literally have five Virginians dying on average from fentanyl overdose and we had two illegal immigrants crash the gates at Quantico in a box truck recently. They want an America that has energy independence. We are so tired, I can hear it every single day, of being told that you have to buy an EV if you live in California, but not in Virginia anymore because we declare our independence. Or that, in fact, you have to pay 20, 30, 40% more for a gallon of gas because of the Biden failed energy policy.”

“They want Trump back in the White House because he built a strong America. That’s exactly what we’ve seen in Virginia over the course of the last couple years. Common sense conservative policy works, we’ve unleashed a rip-roaring economy in Virginia and I think they want to see it on a national level. Yes, Virginia is in play, we’ve got five months of hard work. But I’m telling you when they put the records of President Trump against President Biden, I believe that Virginias and Americans are going to find themselves pulling the lever for President Trump,” Youngkin said.

Two recent Fox News polls conducted by Beacon Research/Shaw & Company Research found that in a two-way race Biden is tied with Trump at 48%, and within a race involving Independent and Green Party candidates, Trump is shown just 1 point behind Biden at 41%. In 2020, the typically blue state pushed for Biden, giving him a 10-point lead during the general elections.

Additional polls from the Roanoke College Institute for Policy and Opinion Research in May also found that in a two-way race, Biden and Trump were tied at 42%, with Biden leading Trump just by two points at 40% in a race involving additional candidates from the Independent and Green Party, according to data.