
MALONEY: I Hate Mail-In Ballots But I Hate Losing More 

(Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Cliff Maloney Contributor
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What does America have in common with South Korea, Germany, Canada, Poland, Liechtenstein, the U.K., Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Iceland? 

Answer: they’re the only countries (out of 195 in the world) that allow no-excuse mail-in voting. As much as I appreciate America’s uniqueness, I also favor dependability, and the mail-in ballot process opens the door for major questions about election integrity. 

In fact, mail-in voting fraud is as old as the Civil War. The problems back then weren’t about flaws in the signature verification process or the threat of illegal immigrants voting en masse, but there were still plenty of opportunities to cheat and plenty of people willing to exploit those opportunities.

Like many Americans who have a firm grasp on the term “election integrity,” I too wish that state legislatures across the country were unified in addressing this problem. But here we are, four years post-COVID, and real reforms are nowhere to be found. 

I personally hate mail-in ballots, but there is one thing I hate more: losing elections. If America First conservatives want to remain competitive in races that will determine the future of liberty in America, then we must compete under the current rules. 

This means going toe-to-toe with Democrats on mail-in voting. 

The 2020 election was close despite the Democrats’ astronomical advantage over Republicans when it came to mail-in ballots. Trump lost Pennsylvania to Biden by roughly 80,000 votes. A deep dive into the mail-in vote numbers shows a major problem: 

Biden: 1,995,691 | 77 percent 

Trump: 595,538 | 23 percent 

You’re reading that correctly. Trump was down by over 1.4 million votes heading into election day. To overcome that deficit is almost impossible, despite Trump nearly pulling it off. And things haven’t improved, with Republicans averaging just 20 percent of mail-in vote totals since 2020.

There is good news for patriots who want to win PA, though: Pennsylvania has roughly one million Trump-aligned voters who did not vote in 2020. 

These voters, called low-propensity voters, are the key to Trump winning in 2024. Democrats understand that having a ballot sitting on your dining room table makes you much more likely to vote. We need to step up and match their tactics by fighting fire with fire. 

As much as I enjoy talks of a red wave sweeping the south Bronx and New Jersey, insiders know November comes down to Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Arizona. 

Democrats have had tremendous success since the rules around mail-in voting were loosened. The Republican establishment has refused to look in the mirror. That changes now. 

Citizens Alliance (my organization) and partners like Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point Action and Scott Presler’s Early Vote Action are going door-to-door right now to lay the groundwork for a November Republican win. 

In PA, I’ve launched the Pennsylvania Chase to win back my home state and crush the commies in the Democrat party. 

What’s even better is that President Trump himself is touting mail-in ballots and ballot chasing as the key to winning a victory that’s “too big to rig.” 

Ballot chasing is a data-driven operation of targeting mail-in voters, independents, and low-propensity voters and relentlessly engaging them until the job is complete. The fact that there are one million aligned voters who sat out 2020 is inexcusable. Yes, it would be easy to blame the voters. But we also need to step up as community organizers and do the work the Democrats do. 

This opportunity is exactly why we’re all in on The Pennsylvania Chase. 

The objective is simple, but it won’t be easy: improve the GOP share of mail-in ballots in PA from 20 percent to 33 percent.

To reach that goal, we’re deploying 120 full-time paid ballot chasers to knock on 500,000 doors across PA. 

Democrats quite literally created today’s election landscape by lobbying for it while Republicans were asleep at the wheel. But we can still turn the tables. 

It’s time to win again. Join us at www.PAchase.com. 

Cliff Maloney is the CEO of Citizens Alliance and the Founder of the PA Chase. His door knocking teams have knocked on over 6 million doors and elected over 300 America First republicans to office across America.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller.