
Student Arrested For Cheating On Exam: REPORT

This is an AI concept photo. Wikimedia Commons/Public/Jernej Furman from Slovenia, CC BY 2.0

Jessi McIntosh Contributor
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A student in Turkey’s southwestern province of Isparta was reportedly arrested on Saturday for allegedly using AI to cheat on a university entrance exam.

The makeshift device that was allegedly used by the student linked questions to an artificial intelligence that would then produce answers, according to Reuters.

The student was spotted and reported for acting suspiciously while taking the exam, ending in an arrest by Turkish authorities, Reuters reported. Another student was reportedly also detained for allegedly helping the student cheat. (RELATED: Former School Official Arrested For Allegedly Framing Principal With Fake Recording Of Racist Rant)

Reports from the Turkish Police alleged that the student used a hidden camera, disguised as a button on their t-shirt that was connected with AI software placed in their shoe, according to the outlet. The camera would allegedly scan the exam questions and relay the correct answer back through an earpiece, the outlet reported.

The Isparta Police released a video obtained by the Daily Mail demonstrating how this software functioned.

The exam being taken was the TYT, which is an aptitude exam that determines if a student may attend a Turkish university, ARSTechnica reported. The other detained student allegedly had a phone that allowed the two students to communicate both ways, according to the outlet.

This was not the first case of using computer technology to allegedly cheat. A group from California in the 1970s, The Eudaemons, created a computer device that predicted casino roulette spin outcomes, the outlet reported. Their device, like the student’s, reportedly included a shoe that would time the ball and roulette wheel. The computer would then calculate probabilities, according to the outlet.