
ROOKE: Obama Got Exactly Want He Wanted With His Biden Investment

Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

Mary Rooke Commentary and Analysis Writer
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President Biden and former President Obama took the stage together in California at Biden’s star-studded campaign fundraiser, which featured host Jimmy Kimmel and entertainment from celebrities like comedian Jack Black.

The event was supposed to assure Democrat donors that Biden was competent enough to stay in the White House for another four years. Instead, several headlines highlighting his feebleness became the major talking points, especially the now-viral incident at the end of the event, where Obama directed Biden off the stage like one would their grandpa, who has lost his grip on reality.

The strange thing about the clip is not even that Biden needed help getting off the stage; it’s that Obama made it so obvious. Obama is nothing if not a craftsman at showmanship. He can work a crowd, knows how to maximize the stage, and understands the power even a single photograph, much less a video, can have for a candidate. (Trump Finds Unlikely Alliance That Will Drastically Improve His 2024 Chances)

Obama could have gone to Biden’s right and made some performative gesture to wake the president up from his stupor, but instead, he made it glaringly obvious that Biden was having another one of his glitchy moments on stage.

Biden’s presidency is one big gift for Obama. With Biden in the White House, Obama gets everything he wants: proximity to power, the ability to make him look magnanimous next to “Senior Moment Joe,” and no political blowback for the status of the country despite Obama’s fingerprints all over Biden’s policies.