
‘We See What’s Going On’: Americans Call Into Popular Hip-Hop Radio Show To Attack Dems And ‘Demented’ Biden

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Listeners of “The Breakfast Club” called into the show on Tuesday to criticize Democrats and President Joe Biden over the president’s age and cognitive ability.

Biden’s mental fitness has frequently been called into question as the elderly president seeks reelection while having various apparent slip-ups. Back-to-back callers during a segment dubbed “Get It Off Your Chest” called out Biden for being too old and unfit for office, with the latter condemning Democrats for insisting the president is fine and also praising former President Donald Trump. (RELATED: Biden Is Running Out Of Time To Boost Dismal Poll Numbers In Crucial Battleground States)


“Yo, I wanted to comment on that Joe Biden situation, right?” a listener named Tone said. “And I think it’s important, after this presidency, right, we really set a age limit on these people who we vote into office bro. We got a freakin’ convicted felon that’s 80, and then we got a demented Joe that’s 81. Like, come on, what the hell are we doing?”

Co-host Charlamagne Tha God said that he didn’t believe the country ever anticipated this situation, which is why there are no age limits in place. Tone and Charlamagne agreed anyone over 60 is too elderly to be president.

I just want to say, you know, these Democrats keep wanting to tell us not to believe our lying eyes, like everybody can’t see Joe Biden,” a caller named Israel said. “He is 81. And God bless him, but that don’t mean you capable and you the only person to run this country. We see what’s going on. You can tell us this is not happening … but we see it. We actually out here living it. I’m actually seeing people having to put their groceries back at the cash register. People barely can afford energy bills now.”

“So quit peeing on my leg and telling me it’s raining,” Israel continued. “You’ve got wars breaking out everywhere. And one more thing, you know why nobody likes Trump? Because that man was the only president in the past 50 years that didn’t get us in no war. And wars is big money. Defense contractors run the world. He the only president in the past 50 years that didn’t get us involved in no war. The only one.”

Trump has also repeatedly pledged to end the war between Ukraine and Russia during his 2024 campaign for president.

Former President Barack Obama on Saturday appeared to lead Biden off stage during a campaign event where he seemed to freeze. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday attempted to dismiss concerns about Biden seeming to wandering off at the G7 Summit, calling it a “cheap fake” orchestrated by Republicans after a video of it circulated on Thursday.

The New York Times’ Mara Gay on Tuesday suggested a main reason for the increase in black voters backing Trump is that they are vulnerable to “disinformation campaigns,” but also acknowledged gender and economic factors. CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten on Monday said Trump is “careening towards a historic performance” with black voters as Biden hemorrhages younger African Americans “in droves.”

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