
‘Biden Is Losing The Streets’: Blue State Voters Note Growing Trump Support, Blast Legacy Media Pushing Dem Narrative

[Screenshot/Fox News/"The Ingraham Angle"]

Hailey Gomez General Assignment Reporter
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Pennsylvania state voters identified growing support for former President Donald Trump among key Democrat voting blocs and blasted legacy media for pushing the Democratic narrative Friday on Fox News.

Blue state voters Antoine Gist and Israel Cruz appeared on “The Ingraham Angle” to discuss Trump’s upcoming rally this weekend in the typically blue state. Fox host Laura Ingraham began by questioning Gist on Trump’s messaging to black voters.

“Biden is losing the streets as they would say in Philly, all the internet is talking about it,” Gist said. “They have to actually drum up support to actually protest against Trump coming here tomorrow. But, I met President Trump last week in Detroit. A very warm, you know, comforting man. And I really believe that people are waking up, the scales are coming off of their eyes.”

Ingraham then asked Cruz his reasons for supporting the former president despite voting “mostly Democrat” during his lifetime. (RELATED: Trump Pulling Close To Even In Blue State That Hasn’t Voted Republican In Half A Century)

“I grew up in New York and Philadelphia, and that’s all we were told is to vote Democrat, vote Democrat, vote Democrat,” Cruz said. “So you don’t understand why. But once you start seeing what the media says and where you’re living at and there’s no correlation going on there, you’re like the media is lying so what else do I not trust? And that’s the problem.”

“I started not trusting them,” he continued. “I started not trusting the Democrats and then I started looking into things myself. And I saw that when they spoke, they were lying. When I saw – you know, the Republican Party is supposedly for the rich and the Democrats are for the poor. Why do I want to be for the poor? I wanted to move my family forward. I wanted to propel myself. That’s all they wanted us to do is to take that, you know, take that little meal ticket. Welfare checks, whatever. And I said no, we’re not going to do that in my family.”

While new polls have shown that the former president is slightly behind Biden nationwide, Trump is holding a lead over the president in major swing states. In recent state polls conducted by Emerson College Polling/The Hill, Trump and Biden are tied in Minnesota, and Trump is leading Biden by four points in Arizona and Georgia, three points in Nevada and Wisconsin, two points in Pennsylvania, and one point in Michigan.

A survey by IPSOS shows voters believe the former president is outperforming Biden on two of the biggest concerns for Americans come this November — the economy and immigration. According to the data, 49% of voters said inflation is the most important issue in the country, followed by 30% stating immigration as the more important.

Among those who felt inflation was the highest issue, 68% preferred Trump to handle the issue over Biden, and 82% of those who felt immigration was the top issue also preferred Trump over the president, data shows.